How To Annoy The Entire Blogosphere

1. Ask a blogger for a favor , especially if you have no intention of reading their blog. Bonus points for starting your request like-a-so: "Hi, I don't read your blog, but would you mind..." 2. Use messaging on social networking sites ( StumbleUpon , MyBlogLog ) to ask people to visit your site. Bonus points for not visiting the sites of those you ask. 3. Sport the dollar signs in your eyes with pride. Whether it be links, traffic or money, we're all here to serve you . Demonstrate your dedication to self-enrichment with every comment, email and post. 4. Avoid writing comments that resemble actual conversation. Comments that begin and end with "Great post!", "I agree!", or "Ditto!" are best. Bonus points for fawning. 5. Copy another blogger's content. Bonus points for not linking to their original post. They love that. Gold star for submitting your copy to Digg. 6. Borrow heavily from another blogger's post...